Jun 11, 2008


I have a job this summer at a gym...and it is fun! But I miss Winbourne way more than I honestly ever thought I would. I miss ministry as a whole! but there is something about touching peoples live everyday that I can never get enough of. To make things more interesting, every morning on my way to work I have been passing a newly developed neighboorhood AND you will never guess the name of the entrance street to this neighborhood....... I KNOW! I love and hate passing this sign now because I really would rather be sweating like crazy with some of my HPCers! Here is just a little look of the fun we would have working in the warehouse on Thursdays!


Stu "da Kris" said...

I recently started volunteering at Winbourne for the past couple of Thursday nights. And I must say, its charm is starting to grow on me.

Kelly Pitts said...

I miss it too!!!!!!!! By the way thanks for posting that video... I had it coming to me.

Anonymous said...

Sad but true, why the places that we least think we are making a difference? Anj, shine for HIM wherever you are!!! I can't wait to hug your lovely NECK BABY!!!!